Benefits and costs

From E-Consultation Guide
Revision as of 18:44, 6 July 2006 by Paul (talk | contribs) (Benefits)

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E-consultation has many potential benefits; people can take part from a place and at a time that suits them.

The opportunity for more transparent, inclusive, democratic participation is attractive to the citizen and the potential for efficiency gains and reduced resource allocation is attractive to consulting bodies, this combined with the driving force of the E-government agenda have contributed to developments in this area.


  1. What are the benefits?

Consultation & Participation in Public Decision Making

In any consultation process there must be at least two groups – the consulters (those who are seeking the information) and consultees (those from whom the information is being sought.)

Benefits For the consultees • The process creates an informed, aware, active and involved citizenship • It has the potential to create socially inclusive and informed decision making structures in the community • It results in decision making in which reflects the views of the diverse range of interests in the community. • It enhances the provision for diversity and choice through the transmission of information in a variety of media which facilitates people in making informed choices. • It assists to foster a sense of community ownership • It enhances community control of community destiny • The absence of consultation and participation creates an environment of imposition and mistrust. Rumour and hearsay will take precedence over truth. • It provides greater openness, transparency and accountability In doing so, it safeguards against corruption and self interest and strengthens democracy and its processes.

For the consulters • Modern society is complex and it is recognised that Governments and administrations at any level do not have all the answers nor are they expected to have. • Decision makers have a responsibility to ensure that the perspectives they adopt do not have unforeseen unintended consequences such as excluding certain sections of the community. • The contributions of those affected can identify and assist to avoid or overcome: o Problems, difficulties and roadblocks; o Unnecessary hardships; and o Unforeseen consequences • They assist to develop a partnership approach to decision making. The consultees are allowed a degree of ownership over the decision being enacted or if the consultation is of a development nature, a degree of input into the final outcomes. responsive government • They ensure a focus upon needs defined and outcomes desired by the community

  1. What is benefit in doing e-consultation?
    1. the principle benefits of e-consultation can be divided into three groupings 1. opportunity of access, 2. the media nd the message and 3. speed of response.

the internet is an always on, constantly changing environment which allows any person with suitable technology or access to suitable technology the potential to be part of a consultation process regardless of their circumstances or location. 2. traditional consultations normally take the form of paper or text based media. with Information Communication Technologies (ICT) the potential for alternatives is endless as a simple example it is possible to embed audio messages into a webpage to facilitate people who are visually impaired or suffer from literacy problems. Modern software platforms allow for mobile phones to be used as a consultation platform with the consultee being able to respond by texting or simple button press response.

  1. Does technology investment is worth while for long term future?
  2. Do I need to use technical service from provider or setup my technology for consultation?
  3. What is benefit to participant on using technology in consultation?
  4. How my organisation will take advantage using technology in consultation?
  5. What are the benefits to my organisation in using e-technology?
  6. What are the benefits to me as a consultee of using e-consultation?
  7. How does engaging in E-consultation benefit me as a citizen? What are the benefits of using E-technologies over more traditional methods?


  1. Will it cost more or less?
  2. How much it will cost to purchase/setup a technology for consultation process?
  3. What is cost to setup an infrastructure to run e-consultation?
  4. Do I need to go into training course or hire technical consultant to setup a technology?
  5. Is it single time service from technology provider?
  6. Are we investing in technology that can be use in future?
  7. What is the cost of setting up a website.
  8. What are the running costs of an e-consultation.
  9. What are the prices for the relevant software & hardware such as web-iq etc.
  10. I normally have a set budget...will e-consultation be a cost effective option?
    1. How long does it take to
      1. recruit - support staff? / participants
      2. Promote
      3. Translate the process to online
      4. Set up the technologies? (do I need approval?)
      5. How long should it run for?
      6. What other tasks?
  11. Lack of resources is a big concern for groups in entering any consulations. How much will it cost in terms of finance, personnel, expertise?
  12. What costs will I face in order to take part.
  13. What is any savings will i make.
  14. What sort of resources are needed to engage in E-consultations in terms of cost? Where can I find out this type of information?

Calculating Costs